Getting Started
Recommended bulk Iso-Seq workflow
Command | Description | Output format |
lima | Remove cDNA primers | fl.bam |
isoseq refine | Remove polyA tail and artificial concatemers | flnc.bam |
isoseq cluster2 | De novo isoform-level clustering scalable to large number of reads (e.g. 40-100M FLNC reads) | clustered.bam |
pbmm2 | Align to the genome | mapped.bam |
isoseq collapse | Collapse redundant transcripts based on exonic structures | collapsed.gff |
pigeon classify | Classify transcripts against annotation | GFF and TXT files |
pigeon filter | Filter transcripts for potential artifacts | GFF and TXT files |
Begin with the bulk workflow which ends at isoseq cluster
, then continue to pigeon workflow for transcript mapping, collapse, and classification.
Recommended single-cell Iso-Seq workflow
Command | Description | Output format |
lima | Remove cDNA primers | fl.bam |
isoseq tag | Extract UMI and cell barcodes | flt.bam |
isoseq refine | Remove polyA tail and artificial concatemers | flnc.bam |
isoseq correct | Correct cell barcodes and tag reads that are real cells | corrected.bam |
isoseq bcstats | Summarize barcode statistics for real/non-real cells | bcstats_report.tsv |
isoseq groupdedup | Deduplicate reads | dedup.bam |
pbmm2 | Align to the genome | mapped.bam |
isoseq collapse | Collapse redundant transcripts based on exonic structures | collapsed.gff |
pigeon classify | Classify transcripts against annotation | GFF and TXT files |
pigeon filter | Filter transcripts for potential artifacts | GFF and TXT files |
pigeon make-seurat | Make gene- and isoform-level matrices | MTX and TSV files |
Begin with the single cell-specific worfklow which ends at isoseq groupdedup
, then continue to pigeon workflow for transcript mapping, collapse, and classification.